Ingenieurgesellschaft für Automobiltechnik mbH
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Unger, Cebici: Neue Sitzpositionen im automatischen Fahrmodus – Eine Herausforderung für die Bewertung von Submarining
VDI Fahrzeugsicherheit 2017 – Berlin) Sorry, only German available
Unger, Karippadath, Cebeci: An approach to compare the submarining behavior of THUMS vs. THOR (6th International Symposium: “Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering”)
Ikels: IAT-ProHMSiG – Positioning Process for Human Models (THUMS User´s Meeting, 2017, Salzburg)
Cebeci, Unger: Comparison of Submarining Behavior of THUMS Versions 4.02 and 5.02 in Seating Positions for Automated Driving Regarding Pelvic Kinematics and Anatomical Differences (7th International Symposium of Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering, 2018, Berlin)
Unger, Hintze: Entspannte Sitzpositionen im automatisierten Fahrmodus – Gefahr für die Lendenwirbelsäule bei einem Crash? (VDI Fahrzeugsicherheit, 2019, Berlin)
Cebeci, Checa: Investigation of Proximal Femoral Loads Under Low Energy Impact Falls using Human Body Models (International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury Conference, 2020)
Cebeci, Checa, Cronin: Investigation of Fall Induced Femur Neck Strains Based on Anthropometric Variations using Human Body Models (8th International Symposium of Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering, 2020, Online)
Hintze, Ikels, Cebeci: Spinal Curvature Measurements to position Human Body Models in Occupant Safety Applications (8th International Symposium of Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering, 2020, Online)
Cebeci, Cronin, Checa: In-Silico Investigation of Periprosthetic Fractures: Role of the Body Mass Index (Endoprothetikkongress, 2021, Online)
Srivats, Unger: Submariningverhalten unterschiedlicher FE-Menschmodelle in Sitzpositionen für automatisiertes Fahren (VDI Fahrzeugsicherheit, 2021, Berlin)
Ikels: Human Model Positioning using pre-Simulation (Virtual Testing: Human Modeling in Pedestrian Protection, 2021)
Cebeci, Cronin, Checa: Assessment of Stem Design on Early Postoperative Periprosthetic Femur Fractures (26th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2021)
Cebeci, Checa: Periprosthetic Fracture Modelling Using a Combined Finite Element – Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic Method (27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2022, Porto)
Cebeci, Cronin, Checa: Implant Insertion and Periprosthetic Femur Fracture Simulations Using a Hybrid Finite Element – Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics Method (9th International Symposium of Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering, 2022, Wiesbaden)
Cebeci, Cronin, Saemann, Checa: Influence of Anisotropic Cortical Bone Properties in Periprosthetic Hip Fractures (28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2023, ESB_2023_Presentation_OC)